Class 4

New Syllabus Old Syllabus

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27 Classes

Vertebrates And Invertebrates*, Oviparous And Viviparous Animals*, Terrestrial Animals And Their Features*, Aquatic Animals*, Life Process*, Reproduction In Plants*, Terrestrial Plants And Their Features*, Aquatic Plants*, Balance In Nature*, Natural Disaster*, Matter*, Energy*, Weather*, Seasons*, Earth*, Solar System*, Means Of Communication And Its' Importance*, Some Local Technologies*, Scientific Learning, Information And Communication Technology, Organisms And Environment, Classification Of Living Beings, Life Processes, Matter, Energy In Daily Life, The Earth And The Space,


12 Classes

Our Body*, Cleaning Parts Of Our Body, Environment, Clean Environment And Healthy Life, Our Food, Nuritional Food, Diseases, Communicable Diseases, Smoking, Alcohol And Drugs, Health Services And Facilities, Non-communicable Diseases,


23 Classes

Be Careful, Me And My Habits, The Elephant And The Tortoise, A Brave Woman, The Largest Living Bird, A Cruel Landlord, A Clever Little Girl And Ogre, Two Close Friends, The Six Men And The Elephant, Deepawali, Sports Day, Writing, Meeting People, Personal Belongings, Rules And Timetables, Requests, Talking About Quantity, Comparison, Location, Getting Information, Directions, Past Events, Giving Reasons, Popular Places And People, Hobbies And Interests, Expressing Ability, Agreeing And Disagreeing, Future Plans,


54 Classes

आमा, बजा लौरी डाङडुङ, नरेशको यात्रा, पशुपन्छी र हाम्रो कर्तव्य, प्रधानाध्यापकलाई निवेदन, पाप लाग्छ, पछुतो, बालबालिकाका अधिकार, लक्ष्य, सत्यकामको अठोट, आधुनिक सञ्‍चार, गाउँछ गीत नेपाली, धनको घमन्ड, बचत गर्ने बानी, नौलाख तारा, नीमको पात, बाग्मती नदी, बिहेको निम्तो, दाजुभाइ र बुढाबा, स्वस्थ रहौँ, बुबाको चिठी, कविता (नीतिपरक), व्याकरण,


85 Classes

Geometry, Arithmetic, Measurement,


37 Classes

Me, My Family And Neighbourhood, Our Tradition And Social Values, Social Problems And Solutions, Civic Awareness, Our Earth, Our History, Our Economic Activities,