
I am from Biratnagar, police constable , teaching at Bal Sudhar Griha .. These material is helping them. This is a part of jail, children who made crime at minor or below 18 are kept here by the order of court...

Namaskar! I teach from Grade 6 to Grade 9 in Jitpur School, Ilam. I really liked this website and I have shared the website with all my fellow staffs.

I love the video lectures of DLC very much. We use it in the audio visual classes of our school, "Prem Sagar Foundation Nepal". It is helping a lot of students. I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to the team of DLC.

I got to know about the video lectures of Deerwalk Learning Center through Facebook. I broswed it myself and found that the videos are very interesting. Through the help of DLC, we have installed the offline application in our computer lab. Students love to visit the website and learn in their break time.

In Shree Liti Mahakal Secondary School, we show the students the videos of DLC that are installed on our computers. Students love to view the lectures. We teach them how to browse the application and learn on their own, based on the topics they want to study.

The lecture is very good. I would like to thank DLC for coming up with and executing this idea and I hope that DLC will be able to educate a lot of children of Nepal.

On February 11,2019 Deerwalk Learning Center (DLC) team visited to Room to Read office at kathmandu,Nepal.Team lead by Mr Hitesh Karki from DLC met up with Mr Netra Dahal -Program Director and rest of his team members from Room To Read.In an meeting,both organizations gave a brief introduction regarding the work they are currently doing.The team DLC also made a formal presentation of its online/offline classes to the experts.                                                                                    Finally Room To  Read agreed to support in taking DLC’S classes to 350 plus public schools with whom they are actively working.


On April 8,2019 Deerwalk Learning Center (DLC) presented its video lectures at Shankharapur Municipality Office.A total of 25 School representatives,Education officer and other stakeholders attended the presentation.

Hitesh Karki provided a overview of the DLC.He highlighted the purpose of developing the video lectures for free and importance of using it in the teaching learning process.He also shared his experience about DLC while visiting the schools of different districts of Nepal.

Bidish Acharya talked about the technologies used by DLC on developing the video lectures.He also provided the information regarding DLC’s online/offline application to get freely accessed.The program was an hour long and all the representatives were excited to run the classes in their respective schools across the municipality.

My Flipped Class Experience

Entering into the recording studio was a bizarre experience: the camera, the lights, the writing pad, the microphone, the wires—the motley of which created confusion and chaos in my mind. The unfamiliarity of the situation made me aghast; I was quite ambivalent about recording the first video class. Should I do this? I asked myself. Answering the question into a feeble ‘yes,’ I along with the Digital Media Team (DMT) began the recording.

Having recorded the introduction first, I was rather skeptical about my handwriting in the Wacom. After scribbling on the pad for what seemed like an umpteenth time, I wrote the title: ‘Sentence Structure.’ I changed the color and wrote the sub-heading: ‘S + V + O.’ Then I began describing about the deep-seated linguistic structure of all English sentences. Since the video was aimed for Grade VIII, I tried to be as lucid as possible. Naturally, I began to fumble at times, then I had to redo the total thing—writing and speaking—all over again. Saving the file took longer than usual; the whole process seemed too complicated for an old-school, teacher of English like me.

When I reviewed the edited version, I was happy yet a little ashamed of my effort. The hour-long effort resulted into a five minutes long video. The writing seemed too fast; the handwriting illegible at times; the accent clipped—the entire thing an inexplicable endeavor. After recording for more than ten videos, I started to get hang of it. The videos got better by and by. The penmanship, the voice quality, the teaching method: everything improved. Looking back, I realize I had a wonderful, albeit apprehensive, time recording the videos with the help of DMT.

It was indeed an incredible experience, the kind that you want to get over and over again.

I’m thankful for the videos developed and provided by Deerwalk Learning Center. I use it as audio visual material in my school and the students are excited to learn from it.

मानिसले आफ्ना कर्मशील हातहरू र विवेकी मस्तिष्क लिएर यस धर्तीमा अवतरण गरेकाे हुन्छ । हरेक समय परवेशमा हर कर्मपथमा मानिसले सिक्ने अवसर पाउँछ । विद्यालयमा गएर शिक्षकका मुखारविन्दबाट केही कुरा सुन्दैमा वा स्वाध्ययनबाट स्नातकाेत्तर र विद्यावारिधिकाे प्रमाणपत्रले विभूषित हुँदैमा मात्र सिकाइ पूर्ण हुँदैन । यस्ताे सीमित दायरामा सिकाइलाई बाँध्नु भनेकाे शिक्षाकाे सङ्कुचित धारणा हाे । मानिसले आफ्नाे कर्मपथमा अग्रसर हुने क्रममा विविध किसिमका अनुभव र तालिमकाे माध्यमबाट जब व्यवहारमा परिवर्तन ल्याउँछ, त्यसैलाई सिकाइ भनिन्छ । काम गर्ने नवीनतम शैलीले सिक्ने अवसर प्रदान गर्ने हुँदा सिकाइले कहिल्यै पनि पूर्णता पाउँदैन । त्यसैले सिकाइ गर्भदेखि सुरु हुन्छ र चिहानमा गएर अन्त हुन्छ ।


लामाे समयकाे शैक्षिक अनुभवकाे साथमा थप नयाँ कुरा सिक्ने र सिकाउने जिज्ञासा लिएर मनमा हर्ष र  तनमा जाेसका साथमा म डियरवाक सिफल स्कुलमा नेपाली भाषा शिक्षककाे रूपमा नियुक्त भएँ जुन विद्यालय हरेक विषय शिक्षकलाई नवीनतम प्रविधिसँग एकाकार गराई विद्यार्थीकाे सिकाइमा समाहित गराउने सम्भवतः नेपालकाे प्रथम विद्यालय हाे । यस विद्रयालयमा विद्यार्थीकाे भाषिक सीप बाेध र अभिव्यक्ति पक्षकाे ख्याल गरी श्रव्य दृश्य कक्षा रेकर्ड गर्नुपर्थ्याे र जसलाई फ्लिप कक्षा रेकर्डिङ पनि भनिन्थ्याे । लामाे समयसम्म शैक्षिक अनुभवमा भिजिसकेकाे कारणले मैले भाषा  शिक्षणमा त आनन्दकाे अनुभूति गरेकी थिएँ तर एउटा सानाे बन्द काेठाभित्र बसेर भाषाकाे श्रव्यदृश्य सामग्रीकाे रेकर्ड गर्ने प्रविधिले मलाई अत्यन्त उत्सुक बनाएकाे थियाे । झ्याल खाेलेर रेकर्ड गर्दा बाहिरकाे ध्वनिले अवराेध सिर्जना गर्थ्याे र झ्याल ढाेका बन्द गर्दा वातावरण असहज भएकाे अनुभूति हुन्थ्याे । भनिन्छ हरेक नयाँ वातावरणमा समायाेजन हुनु सबैका लागि कठिन हुन्छ तर समायाेजन पश्चात् कठिन परिस्थितिले नै भए पनि सहज रुप लिन्छ । रेकर्डिङ कक्षा पनि सुरुका दिनमा केही जटिल वा असहज जस्ताे लागे पनि नयाँ कुराकाे अनुभव लिने इच्छा र उत्सुकताले आनन्दकाे अनुभूति गराएकाे थियाे। यसरी नयाँ वातावरणसँग सामञ्जस्य गरी नवीनतम् प्रविधिसँग भिजेर सिक्ने सिकाउने अवसर प्रदान गरेकाेमा म डियरवाक सिकाइ केन्द्र (Deerwalk Learning Center ) प्रति कृतज्ञ छु ।


नेपाली भाषाकाे बाेध र अभिव्यक्ति पक्षसँग सम्बन्धित यस श्रव्यदृश्य सामग्री झट्ट हेर्दा बाेध पक्षसँग मात्र सम्बन्धित जस्ताे देखिए पनि मैले यथाशक्य भाषाकाे अभिव्यक्ति पक्षलाई ख्याल गरी सुनाइ, बाेलाइ, पढाइ र लेखाइ गरी भाषाका चारवटै सिपलाई समेट्ने प्रयास गरेकी छु । जुन कुरा  शिक्षणखण्डका साथै अभ्यासखण्डकाे अवलाेकनबाट पनि प्रस्ट हुन्छ । त्यसै गरी आधारभूत तहका विद्यार्थीमा देखिएकाे व्याकरणिक पक्षलाई बाेझिलाे ठान्ने प्रवृत्तिलाई ख्याल गरी गीतका माध्यमबाट मनाेरञ्जनात्मक तरिकाले सिकाउने जमर्काे पनि गरेकी छु ।


हाम्राे देशकाे शैक्षिक विकासकाे गति  कछुवाकाे हिँडाइसरह देखिन्छ । जसकाे कारण देशका सबै ठाउँमा शिक्षाकाे पहुँच एकनासकाे छैन । देशका सहरी क्षेत्रका विद्यार्थीले पाठ्यक्रम, पाठ्यपुस्तक, दक्ष शिक्षक र नयाँ प्रविधिकाे अवसर प्राप्त गरेका छन् तर देशका दुर्गम ठाउँ हुम्ला, जुम्ला, कालीकाेट आदि जिल्लाका विद्यार्थीहरूका लागि  नयाँ प्रविधिकाे सुअवसर प्राप्त गर्नु आकाशकाे फल आँखा तरी मर बन्न पुगेकाे छ । समय, परिवेश वातावरण अनुकुल नयाँ प्रविधिसँग भिजेर शिक्षा लिने इच्छा सबै विद्यार्थीमा हुन्छ तर देशका सबै विद्यालयकाे स्राेत र साधन एकनासकाे छैन । नयाँ प्रविधि केही मात्रामा भित्रिएका विद्यालयले पनि विषयानुकुल शैक्षिक सामग्री प्राप्त गर्न सकेका छैनन् । अधिकांश विद्यालयमा स्राेत साधनकाे कमी रहेकाे छ । साेही कुरालाई मध्यजजर गरी पाठ्यक्रम र पाठ्यपुस्तककाे विषयानुकुल नयाँ श्रव्यदृश्य सामग्री दिने जमर्काे यसै डियरवाक सिकाइ केन्द्र (Deerwalk Learning Center )  ले गरेकाे छ ।


नवीनतम् प्रविधिसँग भिजेका आजका बालबालिकाहरूलाई किताबकाे किराे बनाएर  शिक्षककाे व्याख्यान विधिकाे मुक दर्शकका साथै परनिर्भर बनाएर मात्र देशकाे शैक्षिक गतिविधिले काँचुली फेर्न सक्दैन । विद्यार्थी स्वयं आत्मनिर्भर बनेर नयाँ प्रविधिलाई खेल खेल्ने साधन मात्र नबनाई खाेजेर सिक्ने साधन बनाउनु आवश्यक छ । विद्यालय तहका विद्यार्थीका लागि शिक्षककाे उपस्थितिमा हाेस् वा अनुपस्थितिमा हाेस् खाेजेर सिक्ने पर्याप्त विषयानुकुल सामग्री यसै फ्लिप कक्षाले उपलब्ध गराएकाे छ । जुन सामग्रीद्वारा  घरमै बसेर ज्ञानार्जन गर्न सकिनेछ । ज्ञान विज्ञानले दिन दुगुना रात चाैगुना रूपमा फड्काे मारे पनि वर्तमान परिपेक्ष्यमा विद्यार्थीहरू र शिक्षक दुवैमा नवीन सामग्रीकाे अभाव खड्किएकाे छ । तसर्थ यस फ्लिप कक्षाले परम्परागत किताबी सीमालाई चिर्दै सिकाउने कार्यमा नवीन आशाका किरणहरू छर्ने प्रयास गरेकाे छ । आशा गर्छु जसले सिकाइमा नयाँपन दिनेछ ।

On the 24th of June, Deerwalk Learning Center (DLC) team visited NETTV office to view the demo developed by NETTV to deliver our video lectures through TV. In the meeting, we reviewed the application and discussed different ways to deliver our video lectures in most effective way.

The meeting concluded with a decision that NETTV will be sharing our classes to all the users in a special category ‘Deerwalk Learning Center’.

Mr. Ganesh Ghimire, Co-ordinator and Mr. Summit Shrestha, Developer from e-pustakalaya visited Deerwalk Learning Center.

DLC will soon be signing a MOU with OLE Nepal's e-pustakalaya to share the contents to over 1100 schools across the country.

We are growing. Nepal - here we come.

Deerwalk Learning Center Team today met up with Mr. Sishir Khanal, (Chief Executive Officer / Co-founder) Mr. Hom Bahadur Thapa (Coordinator) from Teach For Nepal (TFN) and Dr. Uttam Sharma, Consultant for the World Bank in Bangladesh and Nepal.

Teach for Nepal is a movement of outstanding university graduates and young professionals who are committed to ending education inequity in Nepal starting with two years of fellowship teaching in public schools.

The meeting was centered around how to disseminate the contents created by DLC by forging a partnership between "like-minded" organizations like DLC and TFN.

We will be working closely together in the future.

डियरवाक लर्निङ सेन्टरले भिडियो लेक्चर्समा जोड दिने

पाठ्यक्रममा आधारित श्रव्यदृष्य पुस्तक तयार

Worried about your children's addiction to digital gadget? Get free learning videos

Deerwalk Learning Center Officially Launches 1700+ Video Lectures from Grade IV to Grade X

डियरवाल्क द्धारा पाठ्यक्रममा आधारित भिडियो सामाग्री सार्वजनिक, निशुल्क प्रयोग गर्न पाईने

डियरवाक लर्निङ सेन्टरको भिडियो लेक्चर

डियरवाक लर्निङ सेन्टरले भिडियो लेक्चर्सलाई थप व्यवस्थित बनाउने

परम्परागत सिकाइ शैली फेर्दै डियरवाक लर्निङ सेन्टर
