Class 7

New Syllabus Old Syllabus

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80 Classes

Measurement, Force And Motion, Simple Machine, Pressure, Energy, Work And Power, Heat, Light, Sound, Magnet, Electricity, Matter, Mixture, Metal And Non-metal, Some Useful Chemicals, Living Beings, Cell And Tissue, Life Process, Structure Of Earth, Weather And Climate, Earth And Space, Environment And Its Balance, Environmental Degradation And Its Conservation, Environment And Sustainable Development, Scientific Studies, Information And Technology, Living Beings And Their Structure, Biodiversity And Environment, Life Processes, Force And Distance, Energy In Daily Life, Electricity And Magnetism, Matter, Materials Used In Daily Life, The Earth And Space,


45 Classes

Line And Angle, Triangles, Similarity And Congruency, Circle, Solid Figures, Co-ordinate, Perimeter And Area, Transformation, Symmetry And Tessellation, Bearing And Scaling, Set, Whole Number, Integer, Rational Number, Irrational Number, Fraction & Decimal, Ratio, Proportion & Percent, Profit & Loss, Unitary Method, Simple Interest, Statistics, Algebraic Expression, Indices, Equation, Inequality And Line Graph,


33 Classes

Places To Visit, Travel Excitement, Locations And Positions, Famous Monuments, Wishes And Choices, Famous People, Festivals In Nepal, See The Difference, A Plan For A Visit, The Endangered Species, Our Values, Games And Sports, Instructions, Excursion To The Zoo, Narrating Events, Grammar,


50 Classes

परिचय, मामालाई सुधार्ने भान्जो, सांस्कृतिक एकताको पर्व: छठ, आन्तरिक पर्यटन, साहित्यकार झमक, एउटै मुटु एउटै मर्म, सात दिने सभा, प्रकृतिको सुन्दर स्थल: खप्तड, साथीलाई चिठी, सुन उगेल्ने भाले, उद्‍योगलाई भन्दा कृषीलाई जोड, सुनाैलो भोलि, अलेक्जेन्डर फ्लेमिङ, बोधिसत्वको कथा, म सौर्य ऊर्जा हुँ, रिस र राक्षस, आबाल ब्रह्‍मचारी षडानन्द, सभ्यता, नेपालको धार्मिक वास्तुकला, बाक्लो दाल, व्याकरण,


71 Classes

हामी र हाम्रो समाज, हाम्रो सामाजिक मूल्य र मान्यता, सामाजिक समस्या र समाधान, नागरिक चेतना, हाम्रो पृथ्वी, हाम्रो विगत, हाम्रो अार्थिक क्रियाकलाप, हाम्रो अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय सम्बन्ध र सहयोग, जनसङ्‌ख्या शिक्षाको परिचय र जनसाङ्‌ख्यिक अवस्था, जनसङ्‌ख्या वृद्‌धि र व्यवस्थापन, अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय सम्बन्ध, समसामयिक घटना र सूचना प्रविधि , जनसङस्या र यसको व्यवस्थापन ,